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Battleship "Bismarck"
Decoded British radio messages.
23.5 - 27.5.1941

The following file contains a series of British messages deciphered by the German intelligence between 23-27 May 1941. Remarks by the editorial team are placed in square brackets - [...] - within the text.

Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine
Skl/Chef MND III 3069/44 Gkdos.
Berlin W35, den 19.1.44.

Geheime Kommandosache

KA (Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung)

Tambach bei Koburg

Prüf Nr. 1

Anliegend werden nachträglich entzifferte engl. Funksprüche über die Bismarck-Unternehmung übersandt.

Im Auftrage:

i.V. gez. Budde

Für die Richtigkeit:


Reg. Insp.

Anlage 1 zu O.K.M. Skl/Chef M.N.D.III 3069/44 Gkdos.

2209B/23.5. Von [from] K3g = Suffolk an [to] 1uy = Norfolk. O G
My 2152. Enemy is hidden in (snow) storm, consider he has changed course, my position is 66º 25' north 26º 24' west X.
2230/23.5. Von [from] 1uy = Norfolk an [to] mta = Scapa. P G
My position, course and speed .. BT 12 35, course 250º, speed (7 knots).
2306B/23.5. Von [from] k3g = Suffolk an [to] mta = Scapa. O G
My 2258B. Both enemy ships in sight, course and speed 232º, (13 oder [or] 18) knots. My position is 66º 09' north 27º 11' west.
2311B/23.5. Von [from] k3g = Suffolk an [to] mta = Scapa. P
I .. you .. .. steering (200º)? to cover move of enemy away from ice.
2349B/23.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa.
My 2341B. Enemy hidden in fog near ice, estimated course (200º)?. My position is 65º 56' north 27º 50' west.
0009B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. O
My 2359B. Enemy hidden in snow storm. My course and speed 180º, 29 knots, my position is 65º 47' north 27º 57' west.
0019B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
My course and speed 180º, .. .
0028B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. P
My 0009B. My course is 200º, visibility 1 mile, my position is 65º 39' north 28º 01' west.
0101B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an 1uy = Norfolk. O
My position, course and speed 65º 24' north 28º 10' west course (200-250º?), speed 29 knots.
0131B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an 1uy = Norfolk. P
My 0101. My course and speed 220º, 29 knots, visibility 2 miles, my position is 65º 12' north 28º 33' west.
0145B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
My position, course and speed, NPPK 4944, (210º), 29 knots, estimated position by plot of enemy 269º 18 miles from me, my visibility 2 miles.
0157B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. O
My 0541B. Enemy battle ship and cruiser bear (175º) 18 miles. Enemy zigzaging. .. mean course and speed indicated, my position is JZ.R 0239 .. .. .
0207B/24.5. Von 3kg = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. O
(My course and speed is) 180º (20 knots), my position is 64º 41' north 29º (09 oder [or] 44') wet X.
0220B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
My course is (220º?).
0231B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. P
My 0131B. Course and speed 220º, 29 knots, visibility 1 mile, my position is 64º 47' north 29º 02' west X.
0247B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. O
My course and speed 180º, (20 miles knots), my position is 64º 41' north 29º ..' west X.
0255B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
My 0229B. Vessel possibly .. lost touch immediately in mist.
0256B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. O
Two enemy ships detected by RD/F bearing 192º 9 miles, course and speed .. knots (13 oder [or] 18). My position is 64º 39' north 29º 22' west.
0319B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. O
My 0256. Enemy ships bear 188º .. .. 12 miles, course and speed .. (13 oder [or] 18) knots. My position is 64º 35' north 29º 39' west X .. .
0320B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
(Reading origin).
0447B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. P
My 0321B. Enemy bear 184º 15 miles, course 220º. My position is 64º 10' north 30º 40' west X.
0522B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. P
My 0456B. No change, my position is 63º 55' north 30º 55' west X .. .
0629B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an 1uy = Norfolk. O
Enemy bear 207º 18 miles, course .., my position is 63º 36' north 31º 33' west.
0655B/24.5. Von Lz1 an mas = Reykjavik. D
.. 06 (27 or 37). My position, course and speed 62º 46' north 29º 52' west, course 330º, speed (13 oder [or] 18) knots, HMS Echo in company.
0701B/24.5. Von iwu an mta = Scapa. P
.. 06 (27 or 37?)B. My position, course and speed 63º 47' north 31º 11' west, course 217º, speed 32 knots at 0700B, HMS Echo in company.
0720B/24.5. Von 5dl Chef auf Norfolk an mta = Scapa. O
My position at (06-07) 12 was 63º 08' north 32º 12' west Prince of Wales in company. Prince of Wales .. bridge out of action and Y turret temporarily out of action. Suffolk shadowing from astern. Enemy bear from me 286º 18 miles herself, course 215º, speed .. knots.
0745B/24.5. Von mta = Scapa an 1uy = Norfolk.
My 0541B. Battle ship course and speed, 210º, 26 knots. She bears 290º 17 miles from (cruiser) appears (opening out, to) starboard. My position 62º 56' north 32º 28' west.
0757B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa.
My 0756B. Enemy battle ship ...eed appears damaged on fire. My position 63º 10' north 32º 34' west.X .. .
0900B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
My 0745B. Enemy is making large alteration of course.
1057B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. O
My 0541B. Enemy battle ship and cruiser bear 259º (18 miles). Enemy zigzaging. His mean course and speed 220º, 24 knots. My position is JZ(Z)R 0239 R .. .
1210B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
Visibility decreasing.
1216B/24.5. Von 5dl = auf [on] Norfolk an mta = Scapa, k3g = Suffolk, nachr. joO SO Force H, Ovy [Prince of Wales] = (Unbek.) P
If visibility decreased try to maintain R/DF touch and inform me of enemy movements.
1314B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
My 0541. .. in low visibility.
1616B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. G O
My 1609B. Two ships destected.
1652B/24.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
My 1323B. .. visibility 8 miles. My position mean course and speed TVGN 5616, R 16, 180º, speed 23 knots.
1716B/24.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an 1uy = Norfolk. D
My position 256º NK 12 miles.
1823B/24.5. Von 5dl = auf Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
Move (over to) within about 5 miles of me, maintaining touch.
1934B/24.5. Von 5dl = auf Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
Enemy turned away when engaged at long range at 1823B, engagement was broken off to avoid forcing himself further away from .. . (Am shadowing enemy) 232º distance 18 miles .. 180º. My position is ZNFU 5450 R 16.
2106B/24.5. Von 5dl = auf Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
Your 1455B 24th May. Enemy speed appears 22 knots now. Enemy cruiser is probably in the westward of enemy battle ship Prince of Wales, close (astern) Suffolk .. starboard beam.
0229B/25.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. O
My 0225B. Two ships bearing 192º, chart 9 and chart 55 yards more distant, ships probably is battle ship, enemy course and speed 160º, 20 knots. My position 56º 44' north 56º 05' west, R 20.
0238B/25.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. O
Position German battle ship "Bismarck" class 0200B was 56º 40' north 36º..' west, course 160º, speed 21 knots.
0306B/25.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an mta = Scapa. O
My 0229B. No change.
0401B/25.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an 5dl = auf Norfolk. D
.. (either) worked round to the eastward .. stern of shadowing .. or Flas... turned westward. .. acting on latter alternative.
0441/25.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an 5dl = auf Norfolk.
Have lost touch of enemy. Am resumming .. (220º) endeavouring to drive enemy there. My position is 56º 02' north 36º 01' west.
0505/25.5. Von k3g = Suffolk an 5dl = auf Norfolk.
Lost touch of enemy 0306.
0511B/25.5. Von 5dl = auf Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
"Norfolk" message for Prince of Wales destin was in position 35(?) 52 north 36 west at 0500B, close on the port quarter Suffolk, if visibility is good intend work round .. at dawn so that Prince of Wales can join. If visibility is low .. keep Prince of Wales to support me in maintaining .. at short range.
0522B/25.5. Von 5dl = auf Norlfk an mta = scapa, jo0 = SO Force H, Oah. G
In view Suffolk 0441B. Request air search at dawn. Enemy speed has not exceeded 22 knots for some time.
0605B/25.5. Von 1uy = Norlfk an mta = scapa.
Enemy lost at 0306B. HMS Suffolk is being .. search to westward. At daylight HMS Norfolk .. HMS Suffolk and HMS Prince of Wales will be .. join.
0616B/25.5. Von 5dl = auf Norlfk an jo0 = SO Force H.
Probability appear that enemy .. A 90º the west or turned back then and cut away to the eastward (of course) our stern.
0630B/25.5. Von 5dl = auf Norlfk an k3g = Suffolk. P
At 0630B. Am proceeding to search on course 285º at 25 knots. My reference position at 0600B 55º 30' north 36º 00' west.
0637B/25.5. Von 5dl = auf Norlfk an mta = Scapa. P
HMS Hood sunk in position 63º 21' north 31º 47' west, proceeding search survivor.
0651B/25.5. Von 5dl = auf Norlfk an mta = Scapa.
HMS Prince of Wales .. to preceed at 0620 to join you. Your stimated position, course and speed at 0630 have been given as follows: 54º 00' north .. west, course ...º, speed 26 knots.
0704/25.5. Von 5dl = auf Norlfk an mta = Scapa.
My position at 0630B is 55º 20' north 35º 54' west.
0800B/25.5. Von jb0 = Victorious an mta = Scapa. P
HMS Victorious position, course and speed at 0800B 56º ..' north 36º 28' west, course 320º, speed 24 knots.
1047B/25.5. Von mt5 =? an gyh = Rosyth, 1hn = C. in C. Home, n4v.
Estimated position of enemy by D/F at 0852B/25th was 57º north 33º west. All Home Fleet forces search accordingly.
1106/25.5. Von mt5 an n4o, 1hn = C. in C. Home
Addressees of my 1047 should be HMS Victorious, Flag or Senior Officer 2nd Cruiser Squadron, HMS Kenya, HMS Ramillies, HMS Rodney, HMS Prince of Wales.
2237/25.5. (kopf wegen Suchschaltung nicht erfaßt).
.. .. .. plus .. out of harbour 00.
1301B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gzz = (Cleethorpes). O U
Estimated position, course and speed enemy battle ship at 1215B 49º 10' 20º 10', course 110º, speed 20 knots, Ark Royal aircraft in touch. My position, course and speed at 1248B 49º 30' 19º 10', course 350º, speed 15 knots, torpedo bomber strike at about 1500.
1345B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gzz = Cleethorpes. O U
My 1301 estimated position, course and speed enemy battle ship at 1315B 49º 10' 19º 45', course 130º, speed 21 knots. My position, course and speed at 1345B 49º 40' 18º 53', course 120º, speed 18 knots. HMS Sheffield detached to shadow.
1520B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gzz = (Cleethorpes). O U
My (your) 1301. Estimated position, course and speed enemy at 1500 (48º) 24' 18º 46', course 110º, speed 25 knots. My position, course and speed at 1515B 49º 14' 18º 19', course 110º, speed 26 knots. Striking force left 1500B.
1606B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gzz = (Cleethorpes). P
My 1520B. Position based on fix at 1500.
1700B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gzz = (Cleethorpes). O U
My 1520B. Estimated position, course and speed at 1630B, (48-49º) 12' north 17º (?) 34' west, course 110º, speed 25 knots. My position, course and speed at 1700B (50º?) 00' 17º (?) 25' X 15, course 140º, speed 26 knots, striking force searching enemy.
1740B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. O U
Request your position, course and speed. Shall I leave (carri...) and join you. If no reply .. remain with carri.... .
1800B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gzz = (Cleethorpes). O U
My 1711B. Estimated position, course and speed enemy battle fleet at 1800B 48º (?) 06' etwa 17º 02', course 110º, speed 22 knots. My position, course and speed at 1810B (48º) 55' etwa 17º ..', course 140º, speed 29 knots, striking force scored no hit and leaves .. at 1830 above position based on fix at 1500B.
1825B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gzz = Cleethorpes. P
Reports by HMS Sheffield and Ark Royal's aircraft are based on reference position 20 miles north of position in my 1520B and 1700B and 1800B which are based on fix at 1500B.
1950B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gzz = Cleethorpes. O U
My 1800B. Estimated position, course and speed at 1900B (48º) 00' 16º(?) 28', course 110º, speed 22 knots. My position, course and speed (48º) 36' etwa 16º? 54', course 110º, speed 29 knots. Striking Force .. . Above position besed on fix at 1500B.
2140B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gyd2 = Horsea. O U
Estimated position, course and speed of enemy were at 2130B 47º 45' 15º 25', course 330º, speed 22 knots. My position, course and speed at 2100B (48º) 17' 15º 50' (west of), speed 20 knots.
2214B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an l1y = (Sheffield). O
Report enemy speed.
2218B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H, nachr. 4hw = Admy London. P
Admiralty 2056B .. BORE/(?) ..0 miles? (233º) at 1900B closing enemy.
2240B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H, nachr. 4hw = Admy. P
My 2225B, possible second hit.
2250B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. P
Lost touch at 2200B.
2310B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an gyd2 = Horsea. P
My 2250, HMS Zulu and Captain (D) 4th destr. Fl. now in touch. .. 60º.
2337B/26.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an qj2 = Ark Royal. O
.. star shell.
2345B/26.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. O
Cancel my 2205. Attack not possible to-night. Dawn attack to-morrow by torpedo spotter reconaissance aircraft. Am turning west for short distance to clear of you. My position is (48º) 42' north 15º 17' west based on fixed (matter) 20 senior officer.
2347B/26.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H, an qj2 = Ark Royal, nachr. 1hn, 4hw = Admy. O U
My position, course and speed (48º) 46' north 15º 20' west, course 30º, speed .. knots.
0045B/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an qj2 = Ark Royal. O
Report .. .. of enemy (from your) (power boat) resist (direction) range finding force H 327º southward enemy.
0046B/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. P
After being torpedoed German battle ship Bismarck class (made?) 2 complete circles and speed reduced.
0108B/27.5. Von 5dr an pxu, hu2, nachr. jo0 = SO Force H. P
My position, course and speed at 0100B (48º) 54' 15º 19', course 150º, speed 27 knots.
0112B/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. O
Your 0045, 165º 41 miles.
0122B/27.5. Von qm4 = (destroyer) an 4yb = (Capt. D 4). P
Have delivered (torpedo attack).
0138B/27.5. Von 1cw = (destroyer) an 4yb = Capt. D 4. P
Have delivered attack. Enemy was making smoke.
0140B/27.5. Von 1cw = (destroyer) an 4yb = Capt. D 4. P
Estimate one hit.
0145B/27.5. Von 1cw = (destroyer) an 4yb = Capt. D 4. P
One hit (rout). Fire on forecastle.
0146 or 0149/27.5. Von 4yb = Capt. D 4 an lw3 = Sheffield. P
HMS Cossack attack completed, claimed one hit.
0210B/27.5. Von 5dl = auf Norfolk an jo0 = SO Force H.
Your 0009. Intend to keep northward to flank .. for your .. what frequency (resource).
0235/27.5. Von u2f (destroyer) an 4yb = Capt. D 4.
(enemy?) stopped.
0235 or 0246/27.5. Von u2f = destroyer an 4yb = Capt. D 4.
In touch by RD/F.
(Demnach bereits Zerstörer mit RD/F ausgerüstet.)
0236/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an 4yb = Capt. D 4. P
When all attacks are completed, .. starshell every half hour to indicate position and report by W/T fleet wave. My position, course and speed 49º 09' north 15º 21' west, course 22º, speed 19 knots.
0335B/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. P
My position 47º 48' 16º(?) 29', starshell bearing 100º. Spotting aircraft HMS King George V. will take off at 0500 call sign F K 300 + decimal 8 kcs.
0340/27.5. Von u2f an 4yb = Capt. D 4. O
About to .. starshell. My position is 47º 47' north 15º 25', no traces doubtful.
0353B/27.5. Von 4yb = Capt. D 4 an jo0 = SO Force H, qj2 = Ark Royal nachr. lw3 = (Sheffield)
Enemy made good 8 miles 310º between 0240 and 0340 and is still capable to (fire) and accurately.. .
0415B/27.5. Von 4yb = Capt. D 4 an jo0 = SO Force H, nachr. qj2 = Ark Royal.
Am going .. a round high explosive this time in the approximate position. The others G .. is not good enough.
0417/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an 4yb = Capt. D 4. P
Send call sign on fleet wave. Use power.
0459B/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an lw3 = (Sheffield). O
Any destroyer .. enemy sends call sign on fleet wave full power for HOMING.
0502B/27.5. Von 5dl = auf Norfolk an mta = Scapa. D
My position at 0500B (48º) 24' 15º 19' directed to the westward.
0515B/27.5. Von 5dl = auf Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
RD/F detecting possible (..lined area) in position (48º) 26' 15º ..' at 0508B.
0520/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an mta = Scapa. P
.. sned(?) (call sign) on fleet wave.
0610/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an l1y [Sheffield], nachr. 1cw = (destroyer). P
Report D/F bearing of enemy.
0620/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. P
.. time of arrival striking force .. 15.
0632B/27.5. Von 5dl = auf Norfolk an mta = Scapa.
At 06(21)B. D/F bearing from me 187º. My position at that time was (48º) 38' 15º 37', .. .. .
0633/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H.
My 0620. Attack postponed, low visibility.
0635/27.5. Von l1y [Sheffield] an qj2 = Ark Royal.
Your 0610. 118º third class at 0603.
0700/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. P
D/F bearing of enemy at 0650 was 02º first class(?) My position at that time 47º 10' 15º 43'.
0701/27.5. Von 4yb = Capt. D 4 an jo0 = SO Force H. P
Enemy flashed opened fire.
0707/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. P
My 0633. Have cancelled attack owing to difficult in identity own ships in low visibility.
0758B/27.5. Von 1uy [Norfolk] an mta = Scapa. O
X U one battle ship.
0835B/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. O U
My 0825B. Bearing and distance are from Renown in V/S touch with enemy.
0922B/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. P
Striking force leaving now.
0940B/27.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa.
Have ...ased flank marking .. .. OJ.
0940/27.5. Von 1uy = Norfolk an mta = Scapa. P
Vessel suspicious marking .. from the southward.
0945/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an lw3 = (Sheffield).
0953/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H. P
Admiralty's 0909B. Report rejoined Ark Royal.
1011/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an ha2, lw3 (Sheffield), 1db.
Course 27º, speed 19 knots.
1022B/27.5. 5ol = Dorsetshire. P
Torpedoed German battle ship Bismarck class, close range.
1025/27.5. Von qj2 = Ark Royal an jo0 = SO Force H.
My 0922. Have you disposed enemy.
1026/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an qj2 = Ark Royal.
..... had to discontinue action for fuel.
1042/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an qj2 = Ark Royal.
Your 1025. She still .. .
1045/27.5. Von jo0 = SO Force H an qj2 = Ark Royal.
My 10.. . Cannot get her to .. with guns.
1107/27.5. Von 5ol = Dorsetshire an jo0 = SO Force H. O U
I torpedoed German battle ship Bismarck both sides before she sank. She had ceased fire, but her colours were still flying.
1146/27.5. Von 5ol = Dorsetshire an jo0 = SO Force H. O U
My 1107. Whilst rescuing survivors, suspicious object sighted to leeward suffering might have been submarine. I therefore proceeded with .. to rejoin you.


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