Compiled by José M. Rico
Updated 11 March 2025
16 November 1935: Building contract placed with the Blohm & Voss Shipyard in Hamburg, construction number BV 509.
01 July 1936: Keel laid down on slipway 9 at the Blohm & Voss Shipyard.
14 February 1939: Launched. Christened by Dorothea von Loewenfeld, granddaughter of the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck.
April 1940: The first crew members come aboard.
23 June 1940: Enters floating dry dock No. V-VI for a three week period where the three propellers and the MES magnetic system are installed.
14 July 1940: Leaves the dry dock.
21 July 1940: Undergoes an inclining test (Krängungsversuch). In the “empty ship as completed condition” at 42,500 tons, the Bismarck has a metacentric height (GM) of 3,9 m.
24 August 1940: At 1230 the ship is officially commissioned at the Blohm & Voss Shipyard under Captain Ernst Lindemann. The battle flag is hoisted and the ship put into service with the Kriegsmarine.
25 August 1940: Air raid alarm. Bismarck's anti-aircraft battery fires 52 x 3.7 cm and 400 x 2 cm projectiles. No success.
31 August 1940: Air raid alarm. The anti-aircraft battery fires 46 x 3.7 cm projectiles. No success.
08 September 1940: Air raid alarm. The anti-aircraft battery fires 72 x 3.7 cm and 65 x 2 cm projectiles. No success.
10 September 1940: Air raid alarm. The anti-aircraft battery fires 6 x 3.7 cm projectiles. No success.
15 September 1940: The Bismarck leaves Hamburg for the first time. At 1658 hours, while steaming down the Elbe, collides with the bow tug Atlantik but neither ship is damaged, and at 1902, the Bismarck anchors in Brunsbüttel roads. During the night of 15/16 September, while anchored, there is an air raid alarm in which the anti-aircraft battery expends 13 x 10.5 cm, 136 x 3.7 cm, and 191 x 2 cm projectiles. No success observed.
16-17 September 1940: The battleship passes through the Kiel Canal assisted by tugboats. At 1448 on the 17th, the Bismarck enters the Kiel-Holtenau sluice, leaves the Kiel Canal, and then comes alongside Scheerhafen, Kiel.
17-24 September 1940: At Scheerhafen, Kiel. The commander of Cruisers (B.d.K), Vizeadmiral Hubert Schmundt, visits the Bismarck on the 23th.
24-28 September 1940: Made fast to Buoy A 12 (Kiel).
28 September 1940: Bismarck leaves Kiel escorted by the mine clearance vessel 13 until Cape Arkona, and then she arrives alone in Gotenhafen.
October-November 1940: Conducts trials in the Baltic Sea. While at Gotenhafen, the two 10.5 meter stereoscopic base rangefinders are installed above the foretop and after command posts. The four after 10.5 cm SK C/33 double mounts of the new C37 model are installed as well.
21 November 1940: The Commander in Chief of the Kriegsmarine, Grossadmiral Erich Raeder, visits the Bismarck moored to Seebahnhof pier, Gotenhafen. The visit is captured on film by reporters of the Propaganda Kompanie (PK).
05 December 1940: Leaves the Baltic and sails back to Hamburg to complete her outfitting.
07-08 December 1940: Passes through the Kiel Canal.
09 December 1940: Arrives in Hamburg.
16-31 December 1940: Korvettenkapitän Adalbert Schneider acts as Bismarck's Deputy Commander in substitution of Captain Lindemann on Christmas leave.
24 January 1941: Ready to sail again.
14 February 1941: A Japanese delegation from Japan's Naval Mission in Germany headed by Vice Admiral Naokuni Nomura visits the Bismarck.
06 March 1941: Leaves Hamburg and sails again to Gotenhafen.
07-08 March 1941: Passes through the Kiel Canal for the last time.
09-14 March 1941: Work on the ship's bottom inside the 40,000-ton floating dry Dock C at Deutsche Werke Kiel.
14-17 March 1941: Embarks supplies (ammunition, fuel, water...) at Scheerhafen, Kiel. On the 15th, embarks the first two Arado 196 (T3+IH and T3+AK) of a total air-wing of four.
17 March 1941: Departs Kiel and arrives in Gotenhafen.
18 March-April 1941: Conducts trials in the Baltic.
02 April 1941: Embarks the last two Arado 196 (T3+DL and T3+MK).
11-14 April 1941: Moored to Seebahnhof pier, Gotenhafen.
17-18 April 1941: Rangefinding, radar, and cruising exercises with the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen in the Gulf of Danzig. Reconnaissance flights by the ship's planes.
22 April 1941: Cruising exercises and combat training with cruiser Prinz Eugen in the Gulf of Danzig. Caliber shooting with reduced charge of the main and secondary batteries. Searchlight exercice at night.
25 April 1941: The operational and intelligence orders from Group North are received on board.
26 April 1941: 0730 hours: "Alle Mann achteraus." (I.O.)
29 April 1941: Rangefinding and cruising exercises with the heavy cruiser Lützow in Pillau roads.
Late April 1941: Two new 2 cm Flak C/38 quadruple mounts are installed to both sides of the foremast above the searchlight platform.
05 May 1941: Adolf Hitler visits the Bismarck together with Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, the Chief of Fleet Admiral Günther Lütjens, and other personalities. The Führer stays aboard for four hours.
12 May 1941: Admiral Lütjens and the Fleet Staff embark on the Bismarck at 2000 hours.
13 May 1941: Starting at 1830 hours, oil transfer exercise at sea with cruiser Prinz Eugen north of Hela.
14 May 1941: Exercises with the light cruiser Leipzig. As a result of these exercises, the 12-ton portside crane is disabled.
15 May 1941: At 1700 hours, moored to Seebahnhof pier, Gotenhafen.
16 May 1941: Portside crane repaired. Bismarck reports to Group North: "As of 18 May 0000 hours [midnight] clear for Rheinübung."
18 May 1941 (Sunday): Operation Rheinübung commences.
19 May 1941 (Monday):
1125. Bismarck joins Prinz Eugen and destroyers Z16 Friedrich Eckoldt and Z23 off Rügen Island.
1200. Position 54º 45' North, 13º 20' East.
2230. Destroyer Z10 Hans Lody joins the battle group.
20 May 1941 (Tuesday):
1300. Bismarck and Prinz Eugen are sighted in the Kattegat by the Swedish cruiser Gotland.
1419. Bismarck reports to Group North: "1300 hours aircraft cruiser Gotland passed in clear visibility, therefore it can be assumed that formation will be reported."
21 May 1941 (Wednesday):
1100. Bismarck anchors in the Grimstadfjord. Position 60º 19’ 48” North, 05º 14’ 48” East.
1315. Bismarck is sighted and photographed by a British Coastal Command Spitfire.
1351. Bismarck reports to Group North: "0900 hours entered Korsfjord, cruise continuation at 2300 hours."
2000. Leaves the Korsfjord together with the Prinz Eugen and the three destroyers.
2340. Course 0º.
22 May 1941 (Thursday):
1200. Position 65º 53' North, 03º 38' East. Course 0º. Speed 24 knots.
1237-1307. U-boat and air alarm. Zig-zagging.
1310. Approximate course 325º
1800. New course 311º.
2125. Approximate course 295º.
2322. Course 266º.
23 May 1941 (Friday):
1200. Position 67º 28' North, 19º 28' West. Course 250º. Average speed 24 knots.
1420. Course 270º.
1811-1822. False alarm. Vessels identified as icebergs.
1821. Bismarck and Prinz Eugen reach the ice limit. New course set at 240º.
1922. Sights Suffolk on her port side at 7 miles.
2015. Bismarck reports to Group North: "[Quadrant] AD 29 a heavy cruiser."
2030. Bismarck sights Norfolk and fires five main battery salvoes. No hits scored. The forward radar set (FuMO 23) is disabled due to the blast shock from the forward turrets. Shortly afterwards the Prinz Eugen passes the Bismarck and takes the lead.
2200. Reverses her course and tries to engage the Suffolk which realizes the Bismarck's manoeuvre and withdraws.
24 May 1941 (Saturday):
0552. Hood opens fire and the Battle of the Denmark Strait begins. Bismarck reports to Group North (message never received): "Am in a fight with two heavy units."
0555. Bismarck fires her first salvo at Hood followed shortly after by Prinz Eugen.
0556-0600. Bismarck is hit on the port side by three 35.6cm shells from the battleship Prince of Wales. One amidships under the armoured belt (section XIV), a second in her bows (section XXI), and the third one passes through a boat.
0601. Hood blows up and sinks in approximate position 63º 22' North, 32º 17' West.
0602-0609. Bismarck scores four hits on Prince of Wales.
0609. Fires last salvo at Prince of Wales. 93 x 38cm armour piercing shells (Psgr. L/4,4 (m.Hb)) fired. She is losing oil and her top speed is reduced to 28 knots. 1,000 tons of water in the forecastle.
0632. Bismarck reports to Group North (message not received until 1335): "Battlecruiser, probably Hood, sunk. Another battleship, King George or Renown, damaged turned away. Two heavy cruisers keep up surveillance."
0705. Bismarck reports to Group North (message never received): "We have sunk a battleship in quadrant AD 73." (about 63º 10' North, 32º 00' West).
0801. Bismarck reports to Group North (message not received until 1340):
1. Loss of Electric plant No. 4.
2. Port Boiler Room No. 2 is taking water, but can be held. Water in forecastle.
3. Maximum speed 28 knots.
4. Denmark Strait 50 miles wide, floating mines. Enemy has radar instruments.
5. Intention: to put to St. Nazaire. Prinz Eugen cruiser warfare. No losses of personnel.
0950. Bismarck signals to Prinz Eugen: "Commander [Lindemann] to Commander [Brinkmann], for your information. I have received two heavy strikes. One in section XIII-XIV. Hence, loss of electric plant No. 4, boiler room portside is taking on water that can be contained. Second hit in section XX-XXI in forward ship section. Penetration portside, exit starboard above the armoured deck. Third strike through a boat, without consequence. Otherwise I am fine. 5 light casualties."
1010. Bismarck signals to Prinz Eugen: "Prinz Eugen slip back and take station behind Bismarck to control oil slick. Bismarck is leaving an oil trail."
1200. Position 60º 38' North, 38º 16' West.
1240. New course 180º. Speed 24 knots.
1348. Bismarck reports to Seekriegsleitung and Group West: "1400 hours [quadrant] AK 11, “King George” with cruiser keeping surveillance. Intention: If no fight ensues, disengage during night."
1420. Bismarck signals to Prinz Eugen: "Intend to shake stalker as follows: During rain squall, the Bismarck will change course west. Prinz Eugen will maintain course and speed until he is forced to change position or three hours after the departure of Bismarck. Subsequently, is released to take on oil from "Belchen" or "Lothringen". Afterwards, pursue independent cruiser war. Implementation upon cue word, "Hood"."
1442. Bismarck reports to Commander in Chief, U-boats (B.d.U.):"Boats in the West assemble in quadrant AJ 68. Tomorrow at dawn, Bismarck intends to draw the stalking heavy units, coming from the North, through quadrant AJ 68."
1508. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Destroyed Hood this morning at 0600 hours within 5 minutes of an artillery battle. King George forced to turn away after sustaining hits. Bismarck speed compromised. Burying bow as a result of forward hit.”
1814. Turns 180º to starboard while the Prinz Eugen leaves the formation.
1840-1856. Fires some shells at Suffolk and Prince of Wales. No hits.
1914. Bismarck reports to Seekriegsleitung: “Brief fight with King George without results. Prinz Eugen released for oiling. Opponent keeps up surveillance.”
2056. Bismarck reports to Group West and Seekriegsleitung: "Shaking off contacts impossible due to enemy radar. Due to fuel [shortage] will proceed directly to Saint-Nazaire."
2300. Sighted by the United States Coast Guard Cutter Modoc.
2338. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Aircraft attack quadrant AK 19."
Midnight. Bismarck is attacked by eight Swordfish of the 825th Squadron (Lieutenant-Commander (A) Eugene Esmonde) from carrier Victorious. Bismarck's speed 27 knots. The battleship is hit by one 18 inch MK XII torpedo on the starboard side, amidships. The damage is insignificant, but the shock of the impact causes one casualty aboard: Oberbootsmann Kurt Kirchberg.
25 May 1941 (Sunday):
0028. Bismarck reports: "Attack by carrier-based aircraft. Torpedo hit on starboard side."
0037. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Further attacks are expected!"
0131. Fires two salvoes against the Prince of Wales. No hits.
0153. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Torpedo hit of no significance."
0310. Turns to starboard and the British lose contact with her.
About 0500. New course 130º.
0727. Bismarck reports to Group West: “0700 hours quadrant AK 55. One battleship, two heavy cruisers are continuing surveillance.”
0912-0948. Bismarck reports to Group West and Seekriegsleitung: “Possession of radar equipment by opponent, effective range at least 35,000 meters, adversely affects to the highest degree the operations in the Atlantic. Ships were located in the Strait of Denmark in dense fog and were continuously tracked. Disengagement failed even in favourable weather conditions. Oil replenishment is generally no longer possible, if disengagement of opponent cannot be accomplished with higher speed. Running battle between 20,800 and 18,000 meters. Opponent Hood concentrates fire on Bismarck. After five minutes, Hood is destroyed by an explosion; thereafter, change of target to King George who then turns away in black smoke caused by definitively observed hits. He remains out of sight for several hours. Own munitions expenditure: 93 rounds. Later, King George took on the fight only at extreme distances. Bismarck received two hits from King George; of those one hit below the side armour belt at sections XIII-XIV. Hit in compartment XX-XXI impaired speed and caused a 1º bow burying forward and destruction of oil cells. Release of Prinz Eugen possible by engagement of cruisers and battleship by Bismarck during fog. Own EM-2 [radar] instrument prone to failures, especially during firing.”
26 May 1941 (Monday):
1114. Sighted by Swordfish 2H from carrier Ark Royal at about 49º 32' North, 20º 55' West.
1154. Bismarck reports: "Hostile aircraft maintains surveillance. Fixed-wheel plane."
1155. Bismarck reports: "Position BE 27."
1740. Sighted by light cruiser Sheffield.
1802. Bismarck reports to Group West: "[Quadrant] BE 53, [course] 115º, [speed] 24 knots Sheffield keeps contact."
1903. Bismarck reports: "Fuel situation urgent. When can I count on replenishment?"
2047-2115. Attacked by 15 Swordfish of the 810th, 818th, and 820th Squadrons from Ark Royal. The Bismarck is hit by two (or three) 18 inch MK XII torpedoes. One torpedo (or two) hits the port side amidships, and another hits the stern in the starboard side. As a result of this attack both rudders jammed at 12º to port.
2054. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Attack by carrier-borne aircraft!"
2105. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Quadrant BE 6192. Have sustained torpedo hit aft."
2115. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Torpedo hit amidships!"
2115. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Ship no longer manoeuvrable!"
2130-2155. Fires six salvoes against the Sheffield. Distance nine miles. No hits scored.
2140. Bismarck reports to the High Command of the Kriegsmarine (OKM) and Group West: "Ship unable to manoeuvre. We will fight to the last shell. Long live the Führer."
2238. Sighted by Polish destroyer Piorun.
2242. Opens fire against Piorun.
2325. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Am surrounded by Renown and light forces."
2358. Bismarck reports: "To the Führer of the German Reich, Adolf Hitler: We shall fight to the last man with confidence in you, my Führer, and with rock-solid trust in Germany's victory!"
2359. Bismarck reports to Group West: “Ship is weaponry-wise and mechanically fully intact; however, it cannot be steered with the engines."
27 May 1941 (Tuesday):
0500. Bismarck reports to Group West: "50% overcast, ceiling 600 meters. [Wind] from NW at force 7."
0625. Bismarck reports to Group West: "Situation unchanged, wind force 8 to 9."
0710. Last report from Bismarck to Group West: "Send U-boat for safe-keeping of war diary!"
0844. Sighted by King George V and Rodney. Speed seven knots.
0847. The final battle begins. Rodney opens fire.
0849. Turrets "Anton" and "Bruno" open fire at Rodney.
0902. Bismarck is hit for the first time. Foretop command post disabled.
0908. Forward command post disabled. Turrets "Anton" and "Bruno" out of action.
0913. After command post disabled. Turrets "Cäsar" and "Dora" proceed to local fire.
0921. Turret "Dora" out of action.
0927. Turret "Anton" or "Bruno" fires one last salvo.
0931. Turret "Cäsar" fires the last salvo and is put out of action. Main battery silenced.
0958. Possible torpedo hit to port.
0936-1016: Receives an indeterminable number of hits from point blank range between 2,500 and 4,000 meters, but is still afloat.
Sometime about 1000. Demolition charges explode in the turbine room.
1022. Hit on the starboard side by two 21 inch MK VII torpedoes fired by Dorsetshire from 3,000 meters (3,280 yards).
1037. Hit on the port side by a third 21 inch MK VII torpedo fired by Dorsetshire from 2,200 meters (2,400 yards).
1039. Bismarck finally sinks in approximate position 48º 09' North, 16º 07' West (see the map below). 116 men rescued.
9 June 1989: The wreck of the Bismarck is discovered at a depth of 4,790 meters (15,700 feet) by an expedition led by Dr. Robert D. Ballard.
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